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วันศุกร์ที่ 30 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2555


Statues >> The Spirit of Innovation is the symbolic statue. Created to represent the innovation is at The American Adventure. 

           >> term innovation means a new way of doing things. It also could mean changes in the production process or the idea that the change is a result of the revolution. Changing radically. Or further develop the often distinguish clearly. The invention. Initiative and innovation, which means the initiative applied successfully (Mckeown, 2008) and in a variety of fields. Believed to be one of those innovations. It must be obvious unconventional. And not only a major change such as the arts, economics, economy and government policy. In economics it. Change the value to be added.Customer value. Or the manufacturer's value. The goal of innovation is positive change. To make changes in the way things are going better. Innovation can lead to increased productivity. And is a major source of economic prosperity.



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